New Release 1.5.2

Here’s a new release with a couple of changes and fixes

LP Connect Stabilization using “heartbeats”

In gig situations, we got into situations when the network connection between “slaved” devices and the “master” quietly dropped but still appeared as “connected”, but the “slaves” didn’t react to the “master” anymore.

To make this more resilient, I implemented a “heartbeat” mechanism: the “master” will send out a heartbeat signal every 5 seconds to all connected “slaves”. “Slaves” will listen to this heartbeat, and if two consecutive heartbeats are missed, they will assume the connection has somehow silently dropped, so they will initiate a re-connection to the “master”. So far, this has looked pretty solid during testing – let me know how it works for you!

Note: to use this feature, both “Slaves” and “master” need to have Release 1.5.2 or higher installed, and the “slaves” need to have the setting “Check For Master Heartbeat” in the LP Connect –> General settings enabled.

MidiSend.txt and MidiReceive.txt are more forgiving

Since some users had issues with these files, because there were spaces where they weren’t supposed to be, I made the parsing algorithm a bit more tolerant, so it ignores spaces where it is clear they aren’t part of anything relevant. Still, I’d encourage you to build your files as the manual prescribes…

Other small fixes

  • The welcome page caused some issues for new users with small screen and very large font sizes – they couldn’t reach the “close” button. I’ve made the welcome page scrollable, so this should not be a problem anymore
  • Tab sections ({start_of_tab} / {end_of_tab}) erroneously displayed in italic font – now fixed
  • pictures within ignored sections ({ignoreX}/{ignoreoffX}) would still be displayed – now fixed.

That’s it – go and download from your favorite App store or from the Download section!

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