
Download LivePrompter 2 - the new Windows version

This is the new and shiny desktop version: LivePrompter 2! Download the Windows version here.

Note: this version requires Windows 10 and up; won't run on Windows 7 or 8.

You can see the LivePrompter 2 version history here.

Note: Updating to version 1.5.4 from a version before 1.4.5 can cause your sources to disappear. Not a big issue - simply re-create them.

Download LivePrompter 2 for MacOS

This is the LivePrompter 2 build for macOS. Download the .dmg file, open it and draw the LivePrompter icon to the "Applications" folder.

Note: Minimum macOS version: 10.14.6 (Mojave).

You can see the LivePrompter 2 version history here.


LivePrompter 2 mobile

For the mobile versions of LivePrompter 2, you'll need to head to the respective app-stores for iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android.

You can see the LivePrompter 2 version history here.

Download LivePrompter "classic"

Download the "classic" version of LivePrompter for Windows (build 1.107).

You can download either a full installer (.exe), which will do all the installation for you, or a ZIP file with all the files you need to install it yourself. You will then need to install the included fonts manually. See the "Help" section for details.

Tools and Companion Apps

Tools and Companion Apps

I have created some tools that help me in working with LivePrompter, and some companion apps that enhance the LivePrompter experience. Here you can download them!

Read about them in the relevant part of the "Help" section.



LivePrompter Diagnostics

Diagnostic Tool

To make support and troubleshooting of the "classic" version easier, I have created a separate diagnostics tool. Just download the archive, extract it to your LivePrompter program directory (not the song directory!) and run the executable LP Diagnostics.exe. See this news article.

LivePrompter 2, the new version, contains its own diagnostics functions, so no separate tool necessary.


Use at your own risk!

The flip side of LivePrompter being free is that I give no guarantees whatsoever and accept no responsibility should something go horribly wrong, be it through software or user error. Use at your own risk – I provide the software to you as-is on a best-efforts basis. But be assured that I use the software myself on a regular basis, so any errors are certain to annoy me as much as they annoy you. So if you find anything strange happening, let me know in the forum!

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