Song Display Settings

The Song Display settings live in the Display section of LivePrompter’s settings page; they define the look and the behavior of your Song Page. There are a number of them, so let’s take them section by section


  • Text Size: set the font size for lyrics and chords in “points”
  • Picture Size: define the scaling of pictures in percent – 100 means pictures will be displayed at their original size
  • Line Spacing: allows you to insert space between lines (in “points”). Of course, lyrics and the corresponding chords will stay fixed together, space will be inserted only between blocks of lyrics and chords
  • Side Margin: allows you to move the content away from the left edge of the display by a couple of points. This can be useful for smartphones, especially when stuck in bulky phone covers.

Song Display Options

  • Show Custom Comments: tap this field to enter a string of numbers that define which custom comments and custom pictures will be shown (see “Using LivePrompter for Multiple Musicians in a Band“). You can show multiple sets of custom comments, so “0123456789” is a valid option (e.g. if you want to use the custom comments feature to show comments in different colors).
  • Use Custom Transpose / Capo: select the Custom Transpose settings to use. As opposed to custom comments, transposing is exclusive, so you can only select one option.
  • Chords Bold: switch on to set chords in bold type
  • Chorus Bold: switch on to set chorus sections (denoted by start_of_chorus / end_of_chorus tags) in bold type
  • German Chords: display “B” chords as “H”, which is the more common practice in Germany and some other countries in Northern Europe
  • Remove Multiple Empty Lines: especially when using custom comments, there may be sections in songs that have multiple consecutive empty lines (since you put lines between custom comments that are skipped). This settings will clean up any accumulation of empty lines and leave only a maximum of one empty line between text.
  • Hide Section Titles: hides all section titles like Chorus: (lines ending in a colon)
  • Hide All Comments: hides all {comment:...} tags
  • Hide Chords: Choose if chords should be hidden
    • Automatic: show chords by default, but respect {hide_chords} and {show_chords} tags
    • Always: hide all chords
    • Never: show all chords and ignore {hide_chords} tags


  • Automatic Scrolling: switched to on, this enables LivePrompter’s timed scrolling mode, controlled by {duration:…} and {d_time:…} tags (see “Scrolling“). When switched off, LivePrompter will fast-scroll by a full page whenever you press the Play/Pause button or its equivalent key/pedal (or if you double-tap the screen).
  • Fast Scrolling Speed: controls the speed of the fast scrolling when using the “move up” or “move down” buttons. Setting this to 20 is a pretty useful starting value, but if things become a blur, try lowering the value. Or speed things up if you’re more into instant “jumps” rather than scrolling.
  • Full Page Scroll: this defines the percentage of a page that a full page scroll (pressing Play/Pause when automatic scrolling is switched off) will advance the screen. 90 is a pretty good default value, since you’ll still see a bit of the previous page to enable visual continuity.
  • Half Page Scroll: with this you set the percentage of the page that pressing the “move up” or “move down” buttons will move the screen by.
  • Screen Focus: this defines the point on the screen (percentage from the top) where LivePrompter keeps the “current line” of your song when scrolling time-based. At the beginning of a song, when you start scrolling, the content of the screen won’t move until the “current line” has actually reached the Screen Focus, then the screen content will keep moving to have the “current line” at that position as the song progresses. Once the song finishes, LivePrompter will not scroll the song off the screen, since that serves no useful purpose, but if you need a more visual cue that your song is truly finished, use the next setting.
  • Trailing Blank Space: allows you to attach a bit of blank space to the end of your song (percentage of the page) to give you a better visual cue that you have reached the end of the song
  • Start Scrolling With Down Button: switch this to “on” to automatically start scrolling when you hit the “move down” button in “Ready” mode. This can be quite useful to the ones amongst us who tend to forget to start scrolling during the drummer’s precount and realize they need to catch up with the song. Avoids having to push two different buttons in sequence (Play and Down).

Page Layout

  • Header Size: sets the size of the title bar of the Song Page. Small is typical for smartphones, Medium for tablets. Large can be useful for drummers, since it makes the metronome extra-large.
  • Footer Size: sets the size of the bottom bar of the Song Page (contains the clock and the next song title). Again, I’d recommend Small for smartphones, Medium for tablets, Large for special use.
  • Buttons Bar Size: lets you adjust the height of the button bar at the bottom of the screen (the width is automatic to fill the width of the screen). Small works best on smartphones, on tablets, you can use Large for bigger fingers. New in v1.4.6: you can also choose “hidden” if you want to turn the button bar off completely. This may be useful when using MIDI commands or pedals to control LivePrompter, or if you want to use gestures only.
  • 24 Hour Clock: set this to “off” if you live in an AM/PM country and want to avoid having to do subtractions in your head to find out the time 😉.